Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Change Can be Good

I left Wordpress over technical difficulties. Mostly, my own. I know my limitations. Even if they would sit down and teach me one on one, I would fail all techie, nerdy, computer guru classes. I have absolutely no interest in learning it and my brain will literally shut down when someone talks about it or I have to read a paragraph about algorithms or permalinks. Sadly, I can no longer keep it running properly without my dear friend who originally set it up for me. Besides, the prices with Godaddy were becoming outrageous. 

I hope that if you ever stopped by to read my posts on Wordpress, you will continue to read them here on blogspot. It may not be as fancy or have as many bells and whistles, but I had no idea how to use most of the whistles anyway. In fact, I had no idea where they were located or how hard to blow.

I did have a wonderful bookstore at my other site with direct links to all the stores where my books can be purchased. Have any of you ever used those links and purchased a book through them? Please let me know down below in the comments. I'm checking if it is worthwhile to try and see if I can get a store page set up for this site. Although, I think most people go directly to the store of their choice. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Maybe without the added stress of keeping everything running and paying the enormous fees, I will have more inclination and creative juices to actually write fun posts. So, there is that.

Some change can be good. Sometimes it's hard getting past disappointments or upsets, letting go of the familiar to grasp the new, or getting out of a rut of our own making. This is a fairly new year still and I am looking forward to what is ahead. I hope you will come along and meet me here at The Thin Line Between Truth & Fiction.

Thanks for stopping!


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